Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mothersbaugh & Lerner's Mexican Vacation

In preparation for Mark Mothersbaugh’s upcoming exhibition at MCA Denver, Mothersbaugh (left) and Director & Chief Animator Adam Lerner traveled to Ceramica Suro in Guadalajara, Mexico to begin fabrication on Motherbaugh’s large-scale fiberglass work Farewell Arch to Luxemburg City, a sculpture which resembles a My Little Pony, but with two, err, rumps.

A small-scale mockette of Farewell Arch to Luxemburg City

While Mothersbaugh and Lerner were away, museum staff received occasional missives from the travelers, accompanied by photos and brief exclamations in Spanish. Using simple math and Google translate, we were able to cobble together what we assume to be a completely factual account of events.

Spring break! We can drink here! 

Beer, tequila and champagne followed by fresh greens with a lite raspberry vinaigrette.

We don't know what's happening here. Maybe they cleaned their plates?
In Mexico it is customary to take a siesta following the mid-day meal.
Orozco murals make Adam ANGRY.

They died and someone made a monument out of them.

Still alive but Mark is needing some distance
Mothersbaugh pulls the old "googly eyes on your passport just before we reach customs" prank. Man, if we've seen that one once...

images: All photos by Eduardo Sarabia. Well, at least, he's the one who sent them to us...

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